The Lewis & Clark Natural Resources District will hold a budget hearing on Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at the Lewis & Clark NRD Office, Hartington, Nebraska. A special Public Hearing to set the levy at an amount different from the prior year tax request will be held immediately following the budget hearing.
The Lewis & Clark Natural Resources District will hold its regular monthly Board of Directors meeting on Thursday, the 19th day of September 2024, at 7:00 p.m. at the Lewis & Clark NRD Office, Hartington, Nebraska. The current agenda is on file at the District Office. This meeting is open to the public.
The Lewis & Clark Natural Resources District (LCNRD) welcomes two new members to the family: Dustin Weinandt and Cole Fiedler, who began responsibilities as Natural Resources Technicians on July 22nd and August 2nd. Dustin and Cole will work on data management and program administration of the LCNRD activities, including water quality sampling, chemigation, well permitting, observation, well monitoring, Bazile GWMA activities, Aowa Creek Watershed structure maintenance, and information and education activities.