
Even though winter is on its way, now is a great time to plan for spring 2025 conservation tree plantings. The Lewis and Clark Natural Resources District (LCNRD) is taking orders for spring-delivered conservation trees. Trees come in bundles of twenty-five, and the price is $32.50 per bundle plus sales tax. LCNRD continues to carry conservation fabric weed mats, rolls of weed barrier, and staples. Weed mats are sold individually with 5 staples per mat for $3.50 each. Rolls of weed barrier are 500’ x 6’ and are sold for $225.00 each. Two different lengths of staples are offered: 8” staples are $0.20 each, and 10” staples are $0.25 each. LCNRD is offering Coco Weed Mats; they are $2.25 per mat with 4 light staples and $3.00 per mat with 4 heavy staples.

Conservation trees play vital roles in our environment – providing protection from wind, habitat for wildlife, and beauty for our farms and homes – to name a few.  If you want to enhance an area by planting trees, contact the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) or the LCNRD about purchasing and planting trees. Technical services and cost-share programs are available to help with the cost of establishing tree plantings; call to see what could work for you. 

Tree species available for 2025

Evergreens: Eastern Red Cedar, Colorado Blue Spruce (bare root), Colorado Blue Spruce (plugs), Jack Pine, Ponderosa Pine (bare root), Ponderosa Pine (plugs), Norway Spruce, Southwestern White Pine, Black Hills Spruce (bare root), and Black Hills Spruce (plugs), and Douglas Fir.

Broadleaf Trees: Amur Maple, Black Walnut, Catalpa, Cottonwood, Crabapple, Hackberry, Honeylocust, Bur Oak, Red Oak, Silver Maple, Swamp White Oak, and American Sycamore.

Shrubs & Plants: American Plum, Buffaloberry, Chokeberry, Chokecherry, Cotoneaster, Golden Currant, Redosier Dogwood, Elderberry, Hazelnut, Common Lilac, Vilosa Lilac, Serviceberry, Skunkbush Sumac, Caragana, and Sand cherry

Other species and varieties may be available upon request. Call LCNRD with questions and availability at 402-254-6758.

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